Stainless steel hygienic plain end equal full tee 316

Stainless steel hygienic plain end equal full tee 316
Brand: Stroud own brand
Product Code:

Availability: In Stock

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* Size 1" to 4":

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Our range of tees is second to none; we offer from stock the standard equal tee with pulled or reducing tees available

upon request (sizes from ½” up to 6”)  All our tees are available in grades 304 & 316 stainless steel and are supplied

as standard with a dull polished external finish. Generally complying to BS4825 they come with a bead rolled internal,

this provides a smooth internal finish and eliminates any cracks or crevices.  Our suppliers offer a manufacturing facility

so we are able to offer tees and manifolds made to customer specification with a very quick turnaround.

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